Share of SFC Energy AG

Basic data of the SFC share

Important basic data at a glance

Bloomberg ticker symbol


Reuters ticker symbol


WKN (Securities Code Number)


ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)


Number of shares (registered)


Stock Category

No-par value share

Stock Market Segment

Prime Standard


Frankfurt, FWB

Stock exchanges

Frankfurt, FWB

Designated sponsor

mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG

Industry group

Renewable Energies

Shareholder structure

Top 5
American Retail Brokerage

Instructions on Buying Frankfurt Stock Exchange Stocks

1. Charles Schwab
Accessible through Charles Schwab "Global Trading Account"
or Call the Charles Schwab Global Investing Team

  • Phone: 800 992 4685
  • Available 24hrs between 5:30 PM on Sundays and 5:30 PM on Fridays
  • Specific Commissions Apply

2. E-Trade
Accessible through an E-Trade "Global Trading Account" (free to set up)

  • Commissions vary, but are comparable to US transactions
  • 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331)

3. Fidelity
Available through standard brokerage account, along with 25 other exchanges

  • Call 800 353 4881
  • Currency must be exchanged from USD to Euros prior to trade

Does not trade foreign stocks / only US Listed
1. TD Ameritrade
2. Scottrade

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