Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources have existed since the dawn of time. However, it was not until relatively recently that mankind has begun to harness their power. While renewable resources are commonly featured in the news, the vast majority of consumers only possess a basic understanding of their features and benefits.

This article will therefore cover several important points in regard to renewable energy sources. What makes these sources of energy special? How many types are available? What benefits have we already begun to experience? Most importantly, how can renewable energy sources ensure a bright (and environmentally sustainable) future?

What is Renewable Energy?

Most scholars will define renewable energy sources as any type of system that can provide a form of replenishable power.[1] In other words, they represent virtually inexhaustible resources that offer a level of reliability that traditional methods (such as fossil fuels) are unable to deliver. This is the most prominent distinction between green methods of producing power and non renewable energy sources.

Another main point to highlight before moving on involves the environmentally friendly nature of renewable energy sources. The vast majority produce little (if any) waste and they tend to be associated with an extremely low carbon footprint. As a growing number of nations implement ambitious net-zero goals, it is clear that renewable energy sources will become even more relevant.

What are the Most Common Renewable Energy Sources?

There are many examples of renewable energy that have already had an impact upon the world around us. A handful of the most common and widely employed include:[2]

  • Solar power (photovoltaics)
  • Hydroelectric (such as harnessing the power of the tides)
  • Wind power
  • Geothermal
  • Bioenergy (burning replenishable organic materials to produce energy)

We should still note that some of these alternative energy sources are far more advanced than others. For example, the first functional solar panels were invented as far back as 1954.[3] Therefore, the entire sector has had a "head start" when compared to emerging innovations such as consumer-friendly hydrogen fuel cells.

How do Renewable Energy Sources Function?

Renewable energy sources essentially share the same goals as their traditional counterparts. This involves the ability to produce some form of power that can be subsequently harnessed for use. However, this can be accomplished in two ways:[4]

  • Chemical reactions
  • Mechanical action

For example, some renewable energy sources (such as an offshore turbine) will convert the mechanical power of wind into electricity through the use of a generator. Chemical reactions (common in modern fuel cell technology) will likewise convert hydrogen ions into energy that can be immediately used or stored in the form of a battery.

Regardless of the exact methods employed, renewable energy sources are generally measured by their efficiency. In other words, how much power can be generated over a specific amount of time and what types of byproducts are produced? This is why some types of renewable energy sources are more economically viable than others.

The Most Efficient Form of Renewable Energy

So, what renewable energy sources are considered to be the most efficient and effective? At the time that this article was written, most experts seem to agree that wind power is the most desirable due to the amount of energy that can be generated while simultaneously producing hardly any waste byproducts.[5] It is even claimed that turbine power is twice as efficient as geothermal energy (its closest modern competitor).

There are nonetheless some caveats to mention before moving on. For example, geothermal renewable energy sources have only begun to be employed. Other types of green energy such as solar panels likewise represent economically feasible solutions for the average consumer. Efficiency is therefore also based upon the notion of implementation as opposed to the sheer power output of these renewable energy sources alone.

The Main Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources

It is obvious to most consumers that the main advantage of renewable energy sources involves the fact that they will not negatively impact the environment. As issues such as climate change have taken centre stage around the world, the ability to combat the impacts of fossil fuels has never been more important.

Secondly, renewable energy sources can provide individuals as well as businesses with a backup source of power in the event that the primary electrical grid fails. This sense of redundancy is extremely attractive; particularly for those who have already begun embracing an off-grid lifestyle or who simply wish to limit their carbon footprint with the help of renewable energy sources.

Any renewable source of energy is likewise associated with a burgeoning marketplace. Recent studies estimate that the global market for renewable energy sources now exceeds $910.5 billion dollars.[6] Not only can this open up new opportunities for employment, but implementing such infrastructure within third-world regions may provide citizens with a more reliable source of electricity than would have been feasible in the past.

Why Renewable Energy Sources are Crucial for the Future

Environmental scientists claim that the earth could warm by as much as 4.7ºC by the year 2100. While this might not initially appear overly serious, ancillary effects such as rising ocean levels could impact as many as five billion people. Note that these predictions are assuming that greenhouse gases continue to be emitted at their current levels.[7]

This is when the power of renewable energy sources comes into play. Numerous industries (such as the oil & gas sector) fully appreciate that the use of fossil fuels will eventually be curtailed. Thus, changes need to take place sooner as opposed to later if society as a whole aims to offset climate change.

It should also be mentioned that by their very definition, renewable energy sources are able to provide nearly unlimited supplies of power. The same cannot be said in regard to limited supplies of natural gas, coal and oil. In some ways, the ability to embrace renewable energy sources simply makes good business sense in terms of sheer longevity.

Renewable Energy Sources: The Future is Here

The ability to leverage renewable energy sources is no longer a fictional concept. Thanks to technological advancements and the looming consequences of climate change, renewable energy sources are no longer considered to represent "potential alternatives". They have rather become what can only be called the wave of the future.

What changes might we witness in the coming years? Not only is it likely that mankind will further tap into currently available renewable energy sources, but we could even begin looking towards the stars. For example, some feel that placing a space station in orbit to provide terrestrial power could be a logical strategy.[8] Other renewable energy sources such as geothermal could likewise become more widespread.

Even those who have cast doubts upon renewable energy sources in the past cannot deny the dangers associated with climate change. It is therefore clear that green power is here to stay.

What are renewable energy sources?

They represent virtually inexhaustible resources that offer a level of reliability and environmental friendliness that conventional methods (such as fossil fuels) cannot.

What are 5 renewable energy resources?

The most common and widely used renewable energy sources include:

  • Solar power (photovoltaics)
  • Hydroelectric (such as harnessing the power of the tides)
  • Wind power
  • Geothermal
  • Bioenergy (burning replenishable organic materials to produce energy)

What are the advantages of renewable energy resources?

Advantages of renewable energy resources are:

  • No negative impact on the environment
  • Supply of replacement power to individuals and businesses
  • Burgeoning market with many employment opportunities

